你知道不 你随身带着个炸药包啊

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2023-12-14 浏览:
本文摘要:Over the past few days, several users have reported their phones catching fire or exploding while charging, and Samsung said it had confirmed 35 such cases.近日,许多三星用户请示了手机电池时起火或者发生爆炸的情况。三星官方目前早已证实了35起这样的案例。



Over the past few days, several users have reported their phones catching fire or exploding while charging, and Samsung said it had confirmed 35 such cases.近日,许多三星用户请示了手机电池时起火或者发生爆炸的情况。三星官方目前早已证实了35起这样的案例。A YouTube user uploaded a video under the name Ariel Gonzalez on 29 August of a Galaxy Note 7 with burnt rubber casing and damaged screen.一个取名为Ariel Gonzalez 的youtube主在8月29日上载了关于一个三星盖世note7的视频,视频中手机橡胶壳被焚毁,屏幕也有损毁。


He said the handset caught fire shortly after he unplugged the official Samsung charger, less than a fortnight after purchasing it.他还补足道,拔除三星官方的充电器之后,这部出售还将近两周的手机马上就起火了。Further images of a burnt Galaxy Note 7 were uploaded to Kakao Story, a popular social media site in Korea, on 30 August.。



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