真的要上天! 世界首款飞行自行车Scorpion 1亮相!

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-02-21 浏览:
本文摘要:The flying bike Scorpion 1, capable of moving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, has been developed by the Russian company Hoversurf, the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported.据俄罗斯《消息报》报导,一家叫做Hoversurf的俄罗斯公司研发出有了一种取名为Scorpion 1的飞行中自行车,速度


The flying bike Scorpion 1, capable of moving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, has been developed by the Russian company Hoversurf, the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported.据俄罗斯《消息报》报导,一家叫做Hoversurf的俄罗斯公司研发出有了一种取名为Scorpion 1的飞行中自行车,速度平均100千米/时。In an interview with the Izvestia, Hoversurf founder Alexander Atamanov described the Scorpion 1 as a heavy multi-rotor manned copter.Hoversurf公司的创始人亚历山大·阿塔马诺夫在拒绝接受专访时将Scorpion 1叙述为一种重型多旋翼载人直升机。At the same time, he said that in the future, more attention will be paid to the use of heavy unmanned aerial vehicles.同时他还回应,在未来,公司将把更好的精力投放到重型无人机的用于上。


We proposed the concept of a flying motorcycle for promotion purposes even though we know that in terms of market prospects it is heavy drones that will be in great demand, he said.他说:“我们明确提出了飞行中自行车这个概念,更好是为了促进销售,但是我们告诉,在市场前景方面,重型无人机的市场需求是十分极大的。”Atamanov added that his company is ready to make such a motorcycle if it receives an individual order, but that people are still wary of buying such aircraft.此外,阿塔马诺夫还补足道,该公司早已作好了打算,只要有人下单,哪怕是分开一部,他们也不会生产。不过人们或许对于出售这样的飞行器仍然十分慎重。

According to him, the Scorpion 1 is equipped with an engine with batteries allowing the flying bike to remain in the sky for about twenty minutes.据他讲解,配有一部电池的Scorpion 1可以在空中飞行中大约20分钟。The Scorpion 1 is already available for pre-order and costs 52,000 dollars (about 3.3 million rubles), according to the companys website.据该公司官网回应,Scorpion 1早已可以拒绝接受预约,每部售价5.2万美元(约合330万卢布)。In this regard, Izvestia quoted Alexander Grek, chief editor of the Russian edition of the magazinePopular Mechanics, as saying that individuals are still legally barred from buying and using such vehicles as a means of transportation in Russia.关于此事,《消息报》提到《大众机械》俄国版的主编亚历山大·格里克的话称之为:目前在俄罗斯,法律仍然禁令个人出售和用于这样的机器作为交通工具。



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