全球首例! 优步无人驾驶致人死亡!

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-02-24 浏览:
本文摘要:A women died in a Uber self-driving car accident in Tempe in the US state of Arizona last Monday morning.上周一上午,在美国亚利桑那州坦佩市,一名女子病死优步自动驾驶汽车事故。


A women died in a Uber self-driving car accident in Tempe in the US state of Arizona last Monday morning.上周一上午,在美国亚利桑那州坦佩市,一名女子病死优步自动驾驶汽车事故。This is the first known fatality from an autonomous vehicle accident on a public road. The rideshare company is working with the police to investigate the fatal accident.这是首例自动驾驶车辆在公路上致人丧生的事件。

优步公司于是以因应警方调查这起可怕事故。According to Tempe police, the victim was walking outside of the crosswalk when she was crashed by the car, which was in autonomous mode at that time, but a vehicle operator was behind the wheel.坦佩警方回应,受害者被汽车撞到时于是以回头在人行横道外,当时这辆汽车正处于自律模式,但车辆驾驶员在车上。

Uber has halted tests of its autonomous cars.优步已暂停对其自动驾驶汽车的测试。Our hearts go out to the victims family, an Uber spokeswoman said in a statement. We are fully cooperating with local authorities in their investigation of this incident.优步发言人在一份声明中回应:“我们的心与受害者的家人在一起。我们于是以与地方当局充份合作调查这起事件。”Autonomous vehicles from Uber have been operating in Arizona since February of 2017, part of a national series of tests of autonomous vehicles.自2017年2月以来,优步的自动驾驶汽车就仍然在亚利桑那州运营,这是全美范围内自动驾驶汽车测试的一部分。



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