你还敢直视广告牌吗 小心被监控了

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-02-25 浏览:
本文摘要:Clear Channel Outdoor — one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the U.S. — is starting a new program called Radar that will use billboards to map real-world habits and behaviors from nearby consumers. 美国仅次于的户外广告公司之一Clear Channe


Clear Channel Outdoor — one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in the U.S. — is starting a new program called Radar that will use billboards to map real-world habits and behaviors from nearby consumers.  美国仅次于的户外广告公司之一Clear Channel Outdoor正在开始一项取名为Radar的新业务,通过广告牌观测经过路人的习惯和不道德。  The technology is sure to help advertisers better target their ads. But privacy advocates argue that its, well, a little creepy.  这项技术可以协助广告商更佳的定位其广告对象。

但是隐私保护者指出这项技术过于可怕了。  This is how Clear Channel Outdoor describes how the program works, in a video on its website:Using anonymous aggregated data from consumer cellular and mobile devices, RADAR measures consumers real-world travel patterns and behaviors as they move through their day, analyzing data on direction of travel, billboard viewability, and visits to specific destinations. This movement is then mapped against Clear Channels displays, allowing advertisers to plan and buy Out-Of-Home to reach specific behavioral audience segments.  在Clear Channel Outdoor网站上的视频中有关于这项技术的叙述:“通过用于电话网络和移动设备搜集电子邮件数据,雷达测量路人的移动方式和一天中的活动不道德,分析移动数据,广告牌路人可用度,特定目的地。

这些数据不会布局在Clear Channel的广告牌上,容许广告商计划和出售Out-Of-Home户外特定受众信息。”  Clear Channels Senior Vice President of Research and Insights Andy Stevens says its like mobile advertising, using the same consumer behavior, but using it for [Out-Of-Home ads like billboards.] In an interview with Media Village, he says he sees it as a way of translating digital insights to this out of home space.  Clear Channel研究和计划部门的副高级经理说道“只不过手机广告,通过用于某种程度的顾客不道德方式,现在只是把它运用到了户外广告牌上”在一次Media Village专访中,他指出这是一种对洞察数据的户外迁入。

  But in an email to NPR, Clear Channel press spokesman Jason King drew a distinction between the one-to-one approach of online digital ad targeting and this strategy, which he described as one-to-many. He explains: We have no technical capability to determine the average age and gender of who sees our billboards, but the data providers can inform us by sharing, for example, that I-95 in Florida has a high percentage of families travelling to Disney World that pass many of our billboards.  在一封对NPR的邮件中,Clear Channel的媒体发言人Jason King将网络一对一广告方式和这种户外一对多广告模式划界界限,他说明到:“我们虽然无法通过技术手段获知广告牌受众群体年龄和性别,但是数据供应商不会通过共享来获取我们信息,比如,佛罗里达州的I-95公路上有很多家庭不会在去迪斯尼乐园的路上看见我们的广告牌。”  The company, which owns tens of thousands of billboards in the U.S., will offer Radar in its top 11 markets, including Los Angeles and New York, starting on Monday, with plans to make it available across the country later this year, The New York Times reported. Heres more from the Times: Clear Channel and its partners — ATT Data Patterns, a unit of ATT that collects location data from its subscribers; PlaceIQ, which uses location data collected from other apps to help determine consumer behavior; and Placed, which pays consumers for the right to track their movements and is able to link exposure to ads to in-store visits — all insist that they protect the privacy of consumers. All data is anonymous and aggregated, they say, meaning individual consumers cannot be identified.  纽约时报说道“这家在美国享有数以万计广告牌的公司将不会在11个热门市场内获取雷达服务,还包括洛杉矶和纽约,从周一开始,计划服务年底可以遍布全国。”纽约时报还说道:“广告运营商Clear Channel和他伙伴—ATT数据部门联合搜集用户的方位信息;而Placed广告公司则通过向用户出售权利取得用户许可追踪其活动并且需要看见广告进而去商店消费——所有公司都坚决他们维护了顾客的隐私。

所有数据都是电子邮件搜集的,个人信息是无法辨识的。”  King, the press spokesman, tells NPR that the personal consumer information will remain with the data providers, while Clear Channel will only be able to access the aggregated data.  媒体发言人King对NPR说道消费者个人信息将归数据运营商管理,Clear Channel广告公司不能加载这些搜集到的信息。  And Stevens argues that consumers can opt out, in the interview with Media Village. He makes a distinction between the Clear Channel program and the advertising in this scene from the dystopian thriller Minority Report.  在Media Village专访中Stevens反驳道消费者可以自由选择解散。

他指出Clear Channel项目和电影“少数派报告”中的广告场景几乎是两回事。  Here, Tom Cruises character walks through a shopping area as advertisements address him by name. John Anderton! You could use a Guinness right now, says one affable billboard. Get away, John Anderton. Forget your troubles, intones another billboard showing a beach scene. Heres what Stevens thinks of this style of advertising: Im not sure its a great user experience and it is a little creepy, to be honest. With a mass-medium like Out-Of-Home, a better use is to target general patterns of consumer groups, not the individual.  电影中Tom Cruise的角色走到商业区时广告用于他的名字展开播出。“John Anderton!试试Guinness吧,”一块殷勤的广告牌说。“记得你的苦恼,John Anderton,离开了这个地方,”另一个广告牌播出着沙滩美景说。

Stevens对这种广告评论道:“事实上,我不确认用户体验不会会很好,甚至有点可怕。像Out-Of-Home这样的大众传媒,更佳的方案是向普通大众广告,而不是个人。”  But regardless of whether the billboards will address us personally, the new initiative is raising concerns from privacy advocates like Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. It is incredibly creepy, and its the most recent intrusion into our privacy, he told The Times. People have no idea that theyre being tracked and targeted.  不管这些广告牌是针对个人还是大众,Center for Digital Democracy的行政主管Jeffrey Chester警告人们要慎重行事。“这很可怕,这是对我们隐私近期的侵害”他和时报说。




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