
来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-02-29 浏览:
本文摘要:Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has launched an aggressive push into India, placing renewed pressure on market leader Samsung amid heightening competition in the country’s rapidly expanding mobile-device sector.中国智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)发动了进占印度的咄


Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has launched an aggressive push into India, placing renewed pressure on market leader Samsung amid heightening competition in the country’s rapidly expanding mobile-device sector.中国智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)发动了进占印度的咄咄逼人的希望,给市场领军者三星(Samsung)带给新的压力。目前印度快速增长的移动设备市场竞争日益加剧。Xiaomi’s combination of high-end handsets with bargain basement prices has proved hugely popular in China, where sales overtook Apple last year, and it now vies with Samsung for top spot in the world’s largest smartphone market.集高端手机与便宜价格于一身的小米在中国取得了极高人气,去年它在中国市场的销量多达了苹果(Apple)。

如今,它正在全球仅次于的智能手机市场与三星争夺战头把交椅。The privately owned group was valued at $10bn during its last fundraising round in 2013, and has attracted attention for its swift growth and unconventional marketing since launching in 2011.这家私人有限公司的集团在2013年的上一轮募资中估值超过100亿美元。自2011年正式成立以来,该集团以其很快的茁壮和非常规的市场营销模式更有着人们的注意力。

However, co-founder Lin Bin said that Xiaomi would now invest heavily in India, placing Asia’s third-largest economy at the heart of a wider expansion into major developing economies, including Brazil and Indonesia later this year.不过,集团牵头创始人林斌回应,如今小米将乘机投资于印度,将亚洲第三大经济体置放其向大型发展中经济体全面扩展的核心,今年晚些时候还将进占巴西和印尼。“This [India] is the biggest market we have entered... and it will be probably the most important market [outside China] for us as we expand,” he said.他说道:“这(印度)是我们转入的仅次于市场……随着我们的扩展,它很有可能沦为(中国境外)对我们最重要的市场。”With overall smartphone sales growth slowing in China, India has become an increasingly important focus for global manufacturers, as the country’s 650m mobile-phone users upgrade from more basic models.随着中国智能手机销量快速增长总体上升,同时印度6.5亿手机用户对其较低档手机升级换代,印度已沦为对全球生产商日益最重要的焦点所在。

India became the world’s fastest growing smartphone market during the final quarter of 2013, according to consultants IDC, and is set to become the world’s third largest market by sales this year.根据咨询公司IDC的数据,印度在2013年最后一季度期间沦为全球快速增长最慢的智能手机市场,并将在今年沦为全球销量第三的市场。Xiaomi’s launch marks the latest in a flurry of new entrants into India, including rival Chinese manufacturers such as Lenovo and ZTE.小米是印度市场众多新的转入者中的近期一家,这些转入者中还包括误解(Lenovo)和中兴(ZTE)等小米的中国输掉。



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