
来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-11 浏览:
本文摘要:Huawei will renew its attempt to establish a larger business in the US with plans for a strengthened range of branded handsets in the country, even as it remains excluded from the US infrastructure market owing to security concerns.华为(Huaw


Huawei will renew its attempt to establish a larger business in the US with plans for a strengthened range of branded handsets in the country, even as it remains excluded from the US infrastructure market owing to security concerns.华为(Huawei)将再度希望不断扩大其在美国的业务,计划是在该国发售一系列更加强劲的品牌手机——尽管该公司目前仍因美国对于国家安全性的忧虑而被回避在该国电信基础设施市场之外。Talking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Eric Xu, one of the three rotating chief executives of the Chinese telecoms equipment maker, said the company had suffered last year in the US due to a lack of new products. It would launch further devices this year, he said, to expand the business after focusing on other markets last year.作为华为的三位轮值首席执行官(CEO)之一,徐直军(Eric Xu)在巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上公开发表了讲话。

他回应,华为去年在美国市场因缺少新产品而处境艰苦。他还回应,去年华为将注意力放到了其它市场,今年该公司将在美国市场发售更加多产品,以不断扩大在美业务。However, Mr Xu said Huawei would still not “actively pursue” deals to provide infrastructure in the US, where politicians have warned companies against doing business with the group owing to security concerns over its links to the Chinese state.不过,徐直军称之为华为依然会“主动谋求”为美国获取电信基础设施的交易。

美国政界人士已规劝本国企业不要与华为经商,因为他们担忧华为与中国政府的联系有可能影响到美国的国家安全性。Mr Xu said the company wanted to expand worldwide handsets sales this year to 80m-100m, or roughly 8 per cent of the global market, from 50m in 2013. Huawei was shifting its focus to more premium smartphones, he said. “We are not interested in the volume of the low end [of the market],” he said.徐直军回应,今年华为期望将其全球手机销量从2013年的5000万部提高至8000万至1亿部,也就是占有全球市场份额的约8%。

他说道,华为于是以将主要精力改向更高端的智能手机。“我们对低端(市场中)的销量不感兴趣。”Mr Xu said Huawei would continue to make phones that ran on Android and Windows, but he had not been happy with the sales of devices that ran on Microsoft’s software. Huawei has no plans to develop its own operating system.徐直军回应,华为将之后生产Android系统和Windows系统手机,但他对微软公司(Microsoft)的Windows系统手机的销售状况并不失望。华为目前没研发自有操作系统的计划。

Mr Xu said the company had no plans to list or carry out any major mergers and acquisitions for the next five to 10 years.徐直军说道,华为在今后5到10年内没上市或进行任何大规模收购的计划。



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