马云对话斯皮尔伯格 西方人擅长讲故事

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-15 浏览:
本文摘要:Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba Group, praised legendary director Steven Spielberg’s storytelling abilities at a signing ceremony in Beijing, describing how Spielberg’s style resonates with Chinese audiences. The signing ceremony was f


Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba Group, praised legendary director Steven Spielberg’s storytelling abilities at a signing ceremony in Beijing, describing how Spielberg’s style resonates with Chinese audiences. The signing ceremony was for a movie deal between Alibaba and Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment, aiming to jointly develop the world’s top two movie markets.在北京一场签下仪式上,阿里巴巴创始人兼任CEO马云盛赞传奇编剧史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格很不会讲故事,马云认为斯皮尔伯格的风格在中国观众中引发了极大回响。这场签下仪式是阿里巴巴和斯皮尔伯格的安培林娱乐公司(Amblin Entertainment)之间的一场电影协议,目的共同开发世界上仅次于的两个电影市场。In an informal talk onstage, Ma said, “I don’t see any human value difference between West and East. The only difference is that the West is better at telling stories.” Ma added that Alibaba Pictures hopes to learn from Spielberg and Amblin.在一次非正式的演说中,马云说道:“我不指出东西方人的价值有任何的区别。

唯一的有所不同就是西方人更加擅于讲故事。”马云回应说道阿里影业期望能向斯皮尔伯格和安培林自学。Spielberg, meanwhile, said he hoped the partnership would bring more of America to China, and bring more of China to America.与此同时,斯皮尔伯格回应说道他期望这一合作将不会“给中国带给更加多美国式的东西,给美国带给更加多中国化元素。

”Amblin Entertainment and Alibaba Pictures, the film arm of the Chinese e-commerce giant, announced plans to co-produce, finance and distribute films for Chinese and global audiences. Alibaba will hold a minority stake in Amblin and take a seat on its board of directors, while Spielberg’s production company will gain greater access to the world’s second largest box office.安培林娱乐公司和阿里影业(阿里影业是电商巨头阿里巴巴旗下的电影产业分公司)宣告计划为中国和全球观众牵头摄制、资助、公映电影。阿里影业将不会持有人安培林的少量股份、并在其董事会占有一席,而斯皮尔伯格的公司将取得世界第二大票房市场更好的份额。Many believe Ma is following the lead of Wang Jianlin, chairman of Wanda Group, who has partnered with Sony Pictures and purchased AMC and Legendary Entertainment. However, Zhang Wei, president of Alibaba Pictures, believes her company has a totally different approach.许多人都指出马云是在追随万达董事长王健林的步伐,王健林之前早已和索尼影业达成协议了合作,并且并购了AMC和传奇娱乐。

然而,阿里影业总裁张薇指出她的公司有一个几乎有所不同的策略。“In the past, there was a great deal of capital pouring into Hollywood in an attempt to get a share of the U.S. film market. But now, the time is different – we have a very large and healthy local market here. We’re bringing Hollywood the opportunity to get a share of ours.”“在过去,大量资本涌进好莱坞,借此从美国电影市场分一杯羹。




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