美国大学开发人造指纹 能解锁全球1/3手机

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-19 浏览:
本文摘要:Artificial fingerprints have been developed by researchers who say they could one day be used to hack into everyday devices.研究人员于日前研发出有了人造指纹,相提并论其未来将可被用来关卡日常设备。


Artificial fingerprints have been developed by researchers who say they could one day be used to hack into everyday devices.研究人员于日前研发出有了人造指纹,相提并论其未来将可被用来关卡日常设备。Researchers from New York University and Michigan State University successfully generated what they call DeepMasterPrints.纽约大学和密歇根州立大学的研究人员顺利研发出有了“深度自学指纹”。These are machine-learning methods that act as a kind of masterkey which, the researchers claim, have the potential to unlock about one in three fingerprint-protected smartphones.研究人员称之为,这种基于机器学习的算法相等于一把“万能钥匙”,有潜力关卡大约1/3的不受指纹维护的智能手机。

Phones and many more devices dont capture your entire fingerprint, researchers told CNBC over the phone. Theres not enough space on the device, so they capture a partial fingerprint -- which is not as secure as the full image.研究人员在拒绝接受消费者新闻与商业频道电话专访时回应:“手机和许多其它设备并没捕捉到你的全部指纹信息。因为设备存储空间受限,它们只是捕猎了部分指纹,其安全性不如原始图像。

”Many developers were already making fingerprint scanners more secure by moving sensors from devices buttons to screens, allowing them to pick up higher resolution images.许多开发者早已开始通过将感应器从设备的按键移往到屏幕,让其收集到精度更高的图像,从而使指纹扫瞄的安全性更高。Some smartphones have the sensors on the side buttons, which are very thin -- theyre convenient but less secure, the researchers said. Their sensors only register a quarter or so of the fingerprints features.研究人员回应:“一些智能手机的侧边按钮上有十分厚的感应器,这虽然很便利,但不过于安全性。它们的感应器只记录了指纹特征的四分之一左右。



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