
来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-20 浏览:
本文摘要:Thinking back, I remember the hysteria over AIDS which gripped the country in the 80s. I even made a TV programme aimed at calming the alarm.回想过去,我还忘记八十年代当艾滋病席卷整个国家时人们歇斯底里的状态。我甚至还做到了一个平息动乱的电视节目。


Thinking back, I remember the hysteria over AIDS which gripped the country in the 80s. I even made a TV programme aimed at calming the alarm.回想过去,我还忘记八十年代当艾滋病席卷整个国家时人们歇斯底里的状态。我甚至还做到了一个平息动乱的电视节目。

Such was the fear surrounding HIV, I was unable to make the programme with an AIDS sufferer (a woman who had contracted the condition through a contaminated blood transfusion) in a TV studio. Instead, I was forced to take the crew to a working men’s club in Bradford.当时人们对HIV十分不安,因此我没能在演播室和一位艾滋病患者做到电视节目(她通过血液传输病毒感染了艾滋病)。所以,我不得不把工作人员带回了布拉德福德的工人俱乐部。Back then, treating the infection was difficult enough, so the idea of a vaccine against HIV was a pipe dream. But science marches on. We’re on the brink of having that longed-for vaccine. And it’s being called the “silver bullet”.当时,化疗艾滋病早已十分困难,所以研发HIV疫苗的点子真是就是白日梦。

但科学不断进步。我们就将要寻找渴求已幸的疫苗了,也就是所谓的“新技术”。The big hurdle has been identifying specific killer immune cells that stay in the body long enough to stop the Aids virus spreading. International researchers, working in collaboration, believe they have solved the problem. They have “unblocked” a process in the HIV virus itself which was preventing our antibody-generating B-cells in the immune system from making antibodies to kill the virus. Who knew the Aids virus was so clever?难题就是寻找特定的杀伤性免疫细胞,这些细胞可以长时间回到体内以制止艾滋病病毒的传播。一起合作的国际研究人员指出他们早已解决问题了这个问题。


他们早已在HIV病毒里面“中止了”一个过程,需要防治我们免疫系统中产生抗体的B细胞分泌杀掉病毒的抗体。谁告诉艾滋病病毒这么聪慧呢?Lead scientist Professor Jonathan Heeney, from Cambridge University, said: “For a vaccine to work, its effects need to be long-lasting. It isn’t practical to require people to come back every six to 12 months to be vaccinated.来自剑桥大学的首席科学家乔纳森海妮教授说:“想疫苗发挥作用,那它就得有持久性的效果。拒绝人们每6至12个月回去再度静脉注射疫苗是不现实的。

”“We wanted to develop a vaccine to overcome this block and generate these long-lived antibody-producing cells. We have now found a way to do this. What we have found is a way to greatly improve B-cell responses to an HIV vaccine. We hope our discovery will unlock the paralysis in the field of HIV vaccine research and enable us to move forward.”“我们想研发一种需要解决该障碍的疫苗,这种疫苗需要黏液持久不存在的产生抗体的细胞。现在我们早已寻找了一个方法,需要大大提高B细胞对HIV疫苗的接收者速度。我们期望此次找到需要关上HIV疫苗研究的新领域,使得我们需要之后向前。


”The researchers compared their achievement, reported in the Journal of Virology. So far results in lab experiments have been good. The new Cambridge approach produced the desired immune system responses and they lasted more than a year.研究人员将他们的成果展开了对比,该研究公开发表在《病毒学杂志》上。至今为止,实验室中的实验结果都令人满意。新的剑桥方法产生了令人满意的免疫系统反应,而且时间多达一年。

In future, it should be possible to manufacture vaccines which stimulate long-lasting B-cell responses against HIV, the scientists believe.科学家指出,将来有可能需要研发出有性刺激针对HIV的长时间B细胞反应。



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