双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第94期:我国早期激光技术的发展

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-16 浏览:
本文摘要:Chinas Early Development of Laser Technology我国早期激光技术的发展In 1957, Wang Daheng and other saentists set up Chinas first professional optical lnstitute-the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Changchun) Optical Precision Instruments Machinery Researc


Chinas Early Development of Laser Technology我国早期激光技术的发展In 1957, Wang Daheng and other saentists set up Chinas first professional optical lnstitute-the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Changchun) Optical Precision Instruments Machinery Research Institute ( MRI ) in Changchun. Under the leadership of the older generation of experts, o number of young science and technology workers grew rapidly, Deng Ximing is one of the outstanding representatives. As early as in 1958, not long after the United SR:rtes physicists Xiaoluo, Townes published their famous laser papers, he actively promoted this new technology research , then with the combination of the innovative spirit of the young and middle-aged research team proposed substantial increase brightness light source, color units, coherence of ideas and experimental programs in a short time. In 1960 the worlds firs laser come out. In the summer of 1961, under the auspices of Wang Zhijiang, Chinas first ruby laser developed. Within a short space of a few years, laser technology developed rapidly, and a number of advanced achievements were produced. Various types of solids, gases, chemicals and semiconductor lasers hcrve been successfully developed. In the basic research and key technologies, a series of new concepts, new methods and new technologies ( such as mutation and cavity Q-to-Gt, traveling wave amplification, Re-use system, free electron oscillations radiation, etc. ) have been put forward and implemented, many of which are unique.1957年,王大珩等在长春创建了我国第一所光学专业研究所——中国科学院(长春)光学精密仪器机械研究所(全称“光机所”)。在老一辈专家率领下,一批青年科技工作者很快茁壮,邓锡铭是其中的引人注目代表。




At the same time, as a high-brightness, high-directional, high-quaIity, and other advanced features of the new light source, laser was used in various technical fields quickly, demonstrating a strong vitality and competitiveness. On communication, in September 1964, television pictures were transmitted by laser demon- stration, and in November 1964, calls were achieved in 3 km t0 30 km. On industry, in May 1965, with laser drilling machine successfully used in Drawing Die Blanking production, significant economic benefits were acquired. On Medicine, in June 1965, retinal laser welding for the animals and clinical trials were conducted. On national defense, in December 1965 , laser rangefinder Diffuse Reflectance ( accuracy of 10m/10km) successfully developed, and in April 1966, remote control pulse laser Doppler velocimeter successfully developed.同时,作为具备高亮度、低方向性、高质量等出色特性的新光源,激光迅速应用于各技术领域,表明出有强劲的生命力和竞争力。通信方面,1964年9月用激光展示传输电视图像,1964年11月构建3—30千米的通话。工业方面,1965年5月激光打孔机成劝地用作拉丝模纸带生产,取得明显经济效益。医学方面,1965年6月激光视网膜焊器展开了动物和临床实验。




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