文档公开 苹果自动驾驶系统曝光!

来源:金沙电子游戏官网平台作者:金沙电子游戏官网平台 日期:2024-03-16 浏览:
本文摘要:Apple has been granted a permit to test self-driving cars by the California Department of Motor Vehicles but the company has never said anything about its plan.苹果公司早已取得了加利福尼亚州车辆管理局容许其展开自动驾驶汽车测试的许可,但此前该公司未曾提起过此项计划。


Apple has been granted a permit to test self-driving cars by the California Department of Motor Vehicles but the company has never said anything about its plan.苹果公司早已取得了加利福尼亚州车辆管理局容许其展开自动驾驶汽车测试的许可,但此前该公司未曾提起过此项计划。The application documents released give some clues about the companys highly secret self-driving effort, which included a 10-page training plan that appeared to be related to operators taking back manual control of the car during automated driving exercises of the system, which it calls a development platform.最近公布的申请人文件透露了该公司在自动驾驶方面展开的一些高度机密的工作,其中还包括一份10页的培训计划,或许有关操作员在系统的自动驾驶测试过程中拿回车辆的手动控制权,苹果把这一系统称为研发平台。


The development platform will be controlled electronically (e.g. joystick) and safety drivers must be ready to intervene and take control, the document reads.文件中写到:“研发平台将由电子系统(例如操作杆)展开掌控,安全性驾驶员必需时刻打算介入并控制系统。”The document highlights different scenarios to be tested, from high speed driving and tight U-turns to lane changes.该文件特别强调要测试有所不同的驾驶员场景,从高速驾驶员到应急U型弯道再行到转换车道等。

One letter sent from Apple to the state Department of Motor Vehicles noted that Apples development platform will have the ability to capture and store relevant data before a collision occurs.此外,一份苹果公司致美国加州机动车管理局的信函称之为,苹果的研发平台“将需要在再次发生撞击之前捕捉和存储涉及数据。”The document does not include detail on how Apples self-driving platform actually works or other technical details. It also does not say what kind of sensors are found on Apples three permitted vehicles, all 2015 Lexus model RX450h.这份文件未透漏苹果公司无人驾驶平台实际工作细节或其它技术细节。


它也没解释苹果公司被容许上路测试的三辆汽车使用何种类型的传感器,这三辆汽车全部是2015款雷克萨斯RX450h。The permit does not necessarily mean that Apple itself is building a full car. Apple could instead be designing a self-driving platform that can be integrated into other manufacturers cars.这一许可不一定意味著苹果自己在生产整车。苹果也有可能是在设计一个可以组装到其它厂商的汽车里的自动驾驶平台。



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